Implementing malloc() and free() — reusing memory blocks

Dynamic memory allocation is of no use if we cannot reuse freed memory, right? Proceeding with our implementation, we will make our malloc() function use freed blocks of memory when possible!

A sculpture: a circle with the word "REUSE" inside it.
  1. This post is part of a series on how to implement the malloc() and free() functions. In a previous article, we changed our functions to free up some memory blocks. However, this only occurred if the freed blocks were deallocated from newest to oldest.

This wouldn’t make much difference. Dynamically allocated memory rarely behaves like a stack, where the newest block is always deallocated first. The big advantage of dynamic memory allocation, after all, is that it doesn’t work like a stack.

To understand the limitations of our implementation, consider the code below:

void *ptr1 = abmalloc(8);
void *ptr2 = abmalloc(8);
void *ptr3 = abmalloc(8);

In the first line, we allocate eight bytes, and free them in the third line. In the last line, we allocate eight bytes again. However, we cannot reuse the freed memory. To truly save memory, we need a more sophisticated solution.

One option is to reuse free blocks. To do this, we add a Boolean field to the block header, called available, which will indicate whether the block is free. As a block can only be reused if the memory requested by abmalloc() is less than or equal to that available in the block, we also need a field in the header indicating the size of the block, which we will call size.

typedef struct Header {
  struct Header *previous;
  size_t size;
  bool available;
} Header;

When the block is allocated, the value of the available field must be false (since the block is not available). We also record the block size in the size field:

void *abmalloc(size_t size) {
  Header *header = sbrk(sizeof(Header) + size);
  header->previous = last;
  header->size = size;
  header->available = false;
  last = header;
  return last + 1;

We have the information in the header but we are not yet reusing deallocated memory. To reuse the available blocks, we need to find them! The algorithm for this is very simple: abmalloc() will start iterating over the blocks, starting from the last until reaching the first. Since the previous pointer of the first block is always NULL, we stop when we find such value:

void *abmalloc(size_t size) {
   Header *header = last;
   while (header != NULL) {
     header = header->previous;

In each iteration, we check whether the block is available and has an acceptable size. If in the middle of this process we find an available block greater than or equal to what we need, we got lucky! Just mark the block as unavailable, and return it.

void *abmalloc(size_t size) {
Header *header = last;
while (header != NULL) {
if (header->available && (header->size >= size)) {
header->available = false;
return header + 1;
header = header->previous;

What if we don’t find a block that satisfies these conditions? In this case, the abmalloc() function increases the heap, as it used to do:

void *abmalloc(size_t size) {
  Header *header = last;
  while (header != NULL) {
    if (header->available && (header->size >= size)) {
      header->available = false;
      return header + 1;
    header = header->previous;
  header = sbrk(sizeof(Header) + size);
  header->previous = last;
  header->size = size;
  header->available = false;
  last = header;
  return last + 1;

When it comes to deallocating, we have two possible situations. If the block deallocated by abfree() is the last one, nothing changes: we move the top of the heap to the beginning of the block, we change the last pointer. But what if the block is not on top of the heap? We simply mark it as available, as can be seen in the else clause of the function below:

void abfree(void *ptr) {
   Header *header = (Header*) ptr - 1;
   if (header == last) {
     last = header->previous;
   } else {
     header->available = true;

Reusing blocks of memory is a huge advance. However, we can be even more efficient in memory usage. For example, we only reduce the heap size if we deallocate the last block. If there are more unused blocks right before it, we could free them too. We will see how to do this in the next post.

(This post is a translation of Implementando malloc() and free() — reutilizando blocos de memória, originally published in Suspensão de Descrença.);

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